Old Testament
A How many were seen walking in the fiery furnace? Daniel 3:25
B How many days and nights was Jonah in the belly of the whale? Jonah 1:17
C How many priests carried trumpets around Jericho? Joshua 6:4
D How many were saved in the ark? Genesis 7:13
E How many spies did Rahab hide? Joshua 2:1
F How many days did God create the heaven and the earth? Genesis 1:31
G 9
H How many stones did David choose from the brook? I Samuel 17:40
I 1
Plagues In Egypt
In what order were these plagues on Egypt in Exodus 7-10?
A Locusts
B Darkness
C Grievous murrain on the cattle
D Water turned to blood
E Lice
F Fire and hail stones
G Flies
H Frogs
I Boils on man and beasts
On what day where these things created in Genesis 1?
A Light
B Animals and Man
C Firmament
D Sun, Moon, and Stars
E 9
F Birds and Fish
G Land and Sea, and Plants
H God Rested
I 8
Fruit of the Spirit
In what order are these listed in Galatians 5:22 & 23?
A Gentleness
B Love
C Meekness
D Faith
E Goodness
F Longsuffering
G Peace
H Temperance
I Joy
New Testament
A 7
B How many water pots were filled at the wedding in Cana? John 2:6
C How many gifts were offered by the wise men? Matthew 2:11
D How many mites did the widow put in the offering? Luke 21:2
E 8
F How many lepers did not return to thank Jesus? Luke 17:17
G How many foolish women did not have oil in their lamps? Matthew 25:2-3
H How many of the 100 sheep were lost? Luke 15:4
I How many of the 12 disciples were fishermen? Matthew 4:18-22
10 Commandments
In what order do these begin the first 9 of the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20?
A "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image"
B "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy"
C "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour"
D "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long"
E "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"
F "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"
G "Thou shalt not kill"
H "Thou shalt not steal"
I "Thou shalt not commit adultery"
Letters To The Seven Churches
In what order were the seven letters written to the seven churches in Revelations 2 & 3?
A Philadelphia
B 8
C Sardis
D Ephesus
E Laodicea
F Pergamos
G Smyrna
H Thyatira
I 9
How many chapters do the following books have?
A Titus
B Micah
C Jude
D Amos
E Ruth
F Haggai
G Ephesians
H Lamentations
I Song of Solomon
A 9
B How many sisters did Lazarus, of Bethany, have? John 11:1
C How many friends went to comfort Job? Job 32:1-2
D How old was Josiah when he began to reign as king in Jerusalem? II Kings 22:1
E How old was Mephibosheth, Jonathan's son, when he became lame? II Samuel 4:4
F 6
G 7
H How many sons did Noah have? Genesis 6:10
I 1