Bible Jeopardy
In Your Easter Bonnet
10  Samson
20  Mary
30  Bears
40  Numbered
50  John
60 Absalom
70  Joseph
80  Jacob
90  Grey head
100  Nebuchadnezzar

Bunnies & Chicks
10  Lions
20  Dove & Raven
30  A great fish or Whale
40  Sheep
50  Pigs / Swine
60 Horses of fire
70  Serpent
80  Ravens
90  Mouth of a fish
100  Cock or Rooster Crowing

Easter Crosswords
10  His mother / Mary
20  "Behold thy mother!"
30  Vinegar
40  "It is finished"
50  "know not what they do."
60 Elias
70  Spirit
80  Paradise
90  The veil of the temple
100  "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
Brightly Colored Eggs
10  Bow or Rainbow
20  Blue, Purple, & Scarlet
30  Esau
40  White as snow
50  Red Sea
60 Rahab
70  Joseph
80  White
90  Seller of purple
100  The white of an egg

Hiding Easter Eggs
10  Adam & Eve
20  Babylonish garment, silver, & wedge of gold
30  Jonah
40  Moses
50  His silver cup
60 Saul
70  David
80  In our heart
90  Elijah
100  Moses