"We Three Kings"
Answer these questions about kings in the Bible.
10 Who was the first king of Israel after the days of the judges? I Samuel 10
20 Who killed the giant, Goliath, and went on to become king? I Samuel 17
30 What king asked for wisdom and was given great wisdom, wealth, and honor by God? II Chronicles 1:11 & 12
40 What king had Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego thrown into a fiery furnace because they would not bow to his image? Daniel 3:2-17
50 What king saw the hand writing on the wall? Daniel 5:1-5
60 Who was king when Daniel was thrown into the den of lions? Daniel 6
70 What king wanted to kill baby Jesus? Matthew 2:16
80 Who was crucified under the title "THE KING OF THE JEWS"? Matthew 27:37
90 Who sat on the throne in the palace of Shushan during the days of Esther? Esther 1:2
100 To what king was Nehemiah the cupbearer? Nehemiah 1:11 & 2:1