"O Come, All Ye Faithful"
10  not seen
20  God
30  Abel
40  Noah
50  Abraham and Sara
60 Moses
70  Jericho
80  Joseph
90  Rahab
100  Jesus

"Away In A Manger"
10  Caesar Augustus
20  the inn
30  by night
40  sore afraid
50  all people
60 the Lord
70  a manger
80  toward men
90  the shepherds
100  her heart

"We Three Kings"
10  Saul
20  David
30  Solomon
40  Nebuchadnezzar
50  Belshazzar
60 Darius the Mede
70  Herod
80  Jesus
90  Ahasuerus
100  Artaxerxes
Bible Jeopardy
"Silent Night"
10  Shepherds
20  Joy
30  Pillar of cloud by day and
     Pillar of fire by night
40  3 Days and 3 Nights
50  Nicodemus
60 Fishing (or washing nets)
70  The Book of Records of
     the Chronicles
80  Saul (or Paul)
90  Gideon
100  The Fourth Day

"Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"
10  laid down His sweet head;
20  all is bright
30  let earth receive her King;
40  O come ye to Bethlehem,
50  in fields as they lay;
60 The silent stars go by;
70  to touch their harps of gold:
80  "Glory to the newborn King!"
90  was born upon this day:
100  It is the night of the dear Savior's birth!