


Bible Jeopardy
Copy the following chart of categories and points on a large dry-erase board.  (You may choose to use only 10 to 50 in the game, and if the teams want to play again, you can use the harder questions 60 to 100.)  Divide into 2 or 3 teams and choose a Captain for each team.  All the players on the team may help with the answers, but the Captain is the speaker for the final answer.  A time-keeper may help to keep the game moving quickly.  Team 1 chooses a category and begins with the easiest question (10 points) in that category.  The score-keeper reads the clues from the lists provided and awards points for each correct answer.  (Erase the points from the chart so everyone will see which questions have been answered.)  After each correct or incorrect answer, play moves to the next team, who chooses which category they prefer, working from the easy questions (10 points) to the harder questions (100 points). These questions and answers are from the King James Version of the Bible.  If you use another version, you may wish to verify the wording beforehand.  ** Teams may get double or triple points for correct answers to those specially noted questions.
10 Who refused to go to Nineveh as God told him to, but went to Tarshish and was thrown overboard and swallowed by a whale?  Jonah 12-3

20  ** Double Points
What two people were driven from their home in the Garden of Eden because they disobeyed God?  Genesis 3

30 Who came down from heaven to give everlasting life to everyone that believes on Him?  John 6:35-40

40 Who followed a star from the east to the little town of Bethlehem to worship the Christ child?  Matthew 2:1-10

50 Who led the Children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt to the Promised Land?  Exodus 33:1

60  Whose brothers were jealous and took his coat of many colors and sold him as a slave to Ishmeelites that carried him to Egypt?  Genesis 37:23-28

70  Who left his home in Ur of the Chaldees to look for a city whose builder and maker was God?  Hebrews 11:8-10

80 Who left her home in Moab to go with her mother-in-law, Naomi, to Bethel after her husband died?  Ruth 1:16-19

90 Who walked with God, and was not, for God took him?  Genesis 5:24

100  Who went from Jerusalem to Gaza to tell an Ethiopian eunuch about Jesus, and then was caught away by the Spirit and found at Azotus?  Acts 8:26-40
People in the Bible who traveled far from home
Birds found in the Bible
10 They that wait upon the Lord shall mount up with wings as what birds?  Isaiah 40:31

20 When Jesus was baptized, the Spirit of God descended like what bird upon Him?  Matthew 3:16

30 ** Double Points
What two kinds of birds did Noah send out of the ark before the flood waters were dried up?  Genesis 8:7-8

40  What bird did Peter hear after he denied Jesus?  John 18:27

50  When Jesus said, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem” He compared gathering His children under His wings as what bird gathers her young?  Matthew 23:37

60 What birds did God send to feed the Children of Israel when they murmured in the wilderness?  Numbers 11:31-33

70 What birds were brought to King Solomon from Tarshish on the ships with the gold, silver, ivory and apes?  II Chronicles 9:21

80 What birds did God command to feed Elijah by the brook Cherith?  I Kings 17:4

90  On which day did God create the birds?  Genesis 1:20-23

100  What bird leaves her eggs in the dirt and forgets a foot may crush them?  Job 39:13-15

Family Time:
Families in the Bible
10 ** Double Points
Who were the twin boys of Isaac and Rebekah?  Genesis 25:20-26

20 *** Triple Points
Who were the three sons of Noah?  Genesis 7:13

30 ** Double Points
Who were the two sisters of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead?  John 11:1-2

40  Who was the cousin of Elisabeth, and also the mother of Jesus?  Luke 1:30 – 31

50  Who was the first son to Adam and Eve?  Genesis 4:1

60  Who worked seven years to marry Rachel, but was tricked into a marriage with her older sister Leah, and then worked seven more years for Rachel?  Genesis 29:18-30

70 Who was the wife of Elkanah, and mother of Samuel who prayed for a son?  I Samuel 1:20

80  Which one of King David’s sons tried to take over the kingdom in Jerusalem?  II Samuel 15:10-14

90  Who was the wife of Zacharias, and also the mother of John the Baptist?  Luke 1:5 and 60

100  Who was the grandmother of Timothy?  II Timothy 1:5

Thanksgiving Feasts:
Foods in the Bible
10 *** Triple Points
Name three of the six foods that the Children of Israel complained that they missed on their journey after leaving Egypt.  Numbers 11:5

20 ** Double Points
What did John the Baptist eat?  Mark 1:6

30 Where did Jesus tell Simon Peter to get the money to pay tribute?  Matthew 17:27

40  What did God send down from heaven for the Children of Israel to eat for forty years in the wilderness?  Exodus 16:35

50  King Saul commanded his army not to eat until evening, but his son, Jonathan, did not hear it.  What did he eat that made King Saul want to kill him?  I Samuel 14:27

60  When the spies came to the brook of Eshcol what was so big that two men carried it on a staff between them?  Numbers 13:23

70 Who traded his birthright for some red pottage of lentils?  Genesis 25:29-34

80  The Land of Canaan is often described as a land flowing with milk and ____________?  Deuteronomy 26:9

90  How many kinds of fruit are on the tree of life in New Jerusalem in heaven?  Revelation 22:2

100  Who was hungry and saw a vision of all kinds of animals let down from heaven, as they were on a great sheet?  Acts 10:9-16

Be Thankful:
Thanksgiving Bible Verses
10 Did Jesus give thanks for His food?  John 6:11

20 ** Double Points
How many loaves and how many small fish did Jesus use to feed 5,000 with after He gave thanks?  John 6:9-10

30 How many of the ten lepers returned to give Jesus thanks for cleansing them?  Luke 17:12-19

40  Who kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks to God even when the law of the Medes and Persians declared that he could not make any petition to anyone except King Darius?  Daniel 6:7-10

50  Where was Daniel thrown after he prayed and gave thanks to God?  Daniel 6:16

60  Did the people of Bible days celebrate Thanksgiving on a Thursday in November?

70 Fill in the blank:
“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the _____________ through our Lord Jesus Christ.”  I Corinthians 15:57

80  What are we supposed to thank God for in Ephesians 5:20?  “Giving thanks always for _____  ________ unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;”

90  Who began her praise… “My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.  For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.”  Luke 1:46-49

100  Who was an 84 year old widow who served God in the temple and gave thanks to the Lord when baby Jesus was brought in?  Luke 2:36-38
10  Jonah
20  Adam and Eve
30  Jesus, God's Son
40  The Wise Men
50  Moses
60 Joseph's
70  Abraham
80  Ruth
90  Enoch
100  Phillip
Thanksgiving Feasts
10  Fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic
20  Locusts and wild honey
30  From a fish’s mouth
40  Manna
50  Honey
60 One cluster of grapes
70  Esau (also called Edom)
80  Honey
90  Twelve, for every month
100  Peter
Be Thankful
10  Yes
20  Five barley loaves and Two small fish
30  One
40  Daniel
50  Into a den of lions
60 No
70  Victory
80  All things
90  Mary, the mother of Jesus
100  Anna
10  Eagles
20  Dove
30  Raven and Dove
40  Cock
50  Hen
60 Quails
70  Peacocks
80  Ravens
90  Fifth Day
100  Ostrich
Family Time
10  Esau and Jacob
20  Shem, Ham, and Japeth
30  Mary and Martha
40  Mary
50  Cain
60 Jacob
70  Hannah
80  Absalom
90  Elisabeth
100  Lois
